This tea showed up at my house today...or was it yesterday? Maybe the day before. A Baggie from Doc Yang-chu. He didn't tell me he was sending me something. You just never know about these medicine doctors, their minds are like a maze, all you can do is say "thank you sir" and swallow your prescription.
Weighed out 4 grams loose, one rinse, and let the water cool as he suggested. 40 ml steep to fit my tasting cup. Lovely smelling leaves, some pepper, some floral, spicy, teensy touch of smoke (barely visible black dots of wok char). He described floral notes in his review. Someplace. I can't remember. Didn't taste anything myself except bitter if I let it go too long while unplugging the Yixing with a toothpick.
Ok. Doesn't taste like much, sat on my bed to research and think what to write. Then my neck wouldn't support my head. Completely stoned in my eyeballs. I can't bloody think. The doc put weed in my tea. Checked the Baggie. Hm, nothing. Dug around in the pot, several 1 bud/1 leaf sets of the tea variety.
Back on my bed, tried to do a search to find the cake, other reviews, research before writing. Am incapable. Spelling things wrong. Tried finding images, I don't what happened.
I did find a link to what is called Brilliant Tea Mountain Jingmai, a luxury spa where you can take a puerh tea vacation called Holy Journey to Brilliant Tea Mountain Jingmai. Brilliant You can get your entire body exfoliated with Jingmai tea which you can pick yourself if you want. Got hung up on the photos and the campfire night with Original Performances. Had a fantasy of doing my own Original Performance of a Latin Chant directly followed by "Hey Big Spender" from "Sweet Charity" including the bar chair.
What the vacation write up at the spa leaves out is the paragraph "We plan to keep you pleasantly stoned on puerh the entire time and we swear you won't remember a thing. And we'll never tell."
I will research this cake later. In fact I plan to bottle it and take tablespoons as needed at work when no one is looking. It is pure cha qi and nothing else.
But I can guess why the doc's wife insisted on ordering this cake immediately.